I'm not a Millionaire yet.........
I'm not a millionaire yet, but the performing art Memphis Jookin has a international demand that has generated over 1 Million dollars in the last 3 years! There are Memphis Jookin entrepreneurs/moguls that are building this niche arts & entertainment market!
"It was all a dream. I used to read word-up magazine" - Biggie.
I turned the music down on my laptop and walked out my office and opened the lobby door. The U-Dig Dance Sr. Company Dancers walked in for rehearsal! It didn't occur to me until now that i'm Professor Xavier and their the X-Men...lol!
One by one they walked into the dance studio: Keviorr, G-Nerd, "Juicy", "lil Buck", Ron, Daniel, Dr. Rico, Josh and Ladia! After reading Life and Def by Russell Simmons and writing the business plan in 2006. I had a clear vision to build the Memphis Jookin Entertainment and Arts Industry (ETE2)!
P.S....Guys i'm not a professional writer, i'm just sharing my story!