Memphis Jookin Academy
(UDig Dance)
"1st Memphis Jookin Studio in the World"

Articles of Association
Constitution of the MJIA
1. The name will be Memphis Jookin International Association
2. The aims of Memphis Jookin International Association are to protect and preserve the Memphis Jookin Art & Culture
3. Membership will be open to all interested persons.
4. The annual subscription will be renewable on 1st October and will be determined by the Committee of the Association and ratified at the Annual General Meeting.
5. The Quarterly General Meeting will be held Feb, May, August, and December. . 21 days notice as a minimum, will be given of the meeting. 14 days notice, as a minimum, will be given of any General meeting at which a special resolution is to be proposed. 14 days notice, as a minimum, will be given of any Extraordinary General Meeting
requested in writing by 10 per cent of the total membership.
6. The Committee of the Association will normally consist of nine members, elected at the Annual General Meeting. These will include a Treasurer, Membership Secretary and other officers deemed necessary by the Committee to carry out its duties. Should the need arise, the Committee may co-opt additional members.
7. The Chairman and Deputy Chairman will be elected by the Committee.
8. The committee will meet not less than five times a year and five members will constitute a quorum. In the Chairman's
absence the Deputy will take the Chair.
9. All proceeds will be used for the objects of Clause 2, with the exception of legitimate expenses. In the event of
dissolution, funds remaining after settlement of all outstanding debts, will be donated Memphis Jookers and charities.
10. The Association will publish a regular newsletter and have an authorized website, .Reports of meetings will be made available to members and published on the Association website, only after they have been authorized by the speaker(s) at the meeting. Reports may be published on other websites at the discretion of the Committee of the Association.